
Help to Rebuild Japan – Aventa to raise funds for Japan

How can we help Japan?

Immediate help by raising funds in collaboration with German media

Support Second Harvest, an NPO which offers quick and un-bureaucratic help to Northern Japan

Japan needs a new vision and a longterm goal!
We want to help building a new Japan with less dependence on nuclear energy and with emphasis on alternative energies.

Für eine kurze Beschreibung auf Deutsch bitte das unten abgebildetete Poster anklicken und ausdrucken. Bankverbindungen sind dort erkennbar.
Wir sammeln das Geld hier in Deutschland, da eine Überweisung nach Japan zwischen 40 und 80 Euro kosten würde. Wir schicken 100% des Geldes zu Second Harvest Japan.
Das Konto ist auf Wunsch jederzeit einsehbar.

Together with Wolfgang Bierer, CEO and founder of Endeavor Japan we appeal to you to send your money to the bank account below.
Second Harvest is an NPO in Japan and they have been helping homeless people, orphants and widows to get their daily meals.

Now, immediately after the disaster they have already sent several trucks to the Northern Japan areas.

They do not take a 15 to 25% comission of the donations. They work fully transparently and without any profits.
Therefore it is much more reasonable than giving your money to one of the bigger organizations.

The most important thing is that we know them personally and we see exactly what they are doing with the money.

Here is the info as PDF file in German language with German bank account.

Donations can be made immediately



Japan shall become a country of  less centralized powers and an economy which encourages entrepreneurship. Now it is the time for a new start!
Japan shall be rebuilt on sustainable and green technologies as well as with alternative energies.

 To realize the longterm vision we have to go step by step

  • Raise funds by promoting the new ideas in the media and giving the people concrete means and security in where they spend their money
  • Work with German and Japanese logistics companies to bring goods of immediate importance (like blankets, clothes, stoves etc.) to the places with a need
  • Work with companies who can provide alternative energies and tools for a sustainable low energy house (in Japan we have close contacts to the major housing manufacturers and construction industry)
  • Provide products for an eco re-construction of Northern Japan

More is to follow here on the Aventa Homepage.

Let us also keep our fingers crossed that everything will be fine and the nuclear threat can be controlled!

Here the detailled bank account information


Wolfgang Bierer – Stichwort Japanhilfe
Kto Nummer 1000989010
BLZ 602 500 10 (Kreissparkasse Waiblingen)

In Japan donations can be made directly to Second Harvest Japan.
Please click on the link below to find ways to make your donation.


Contact and more information

Christian Schmitz
[email protected]
+49-(0)281-43933 (in Germany)

Please join the REBUILD JAPAN Group on Facebook by clicking on the link below

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